You Should Definitely Consider Adding Sour Cream To Your Gravy (2024)

Ashlyn Frassinelli

·3 min read

You Should Definitely Consider Adding Sour Cream To Your Gravy (1)

When it comes to gravy, the thicker and creamier, the better. But thickening up a homemade gravy can sometimes take a while, especially if you're trying to reduce a pan gravy by simmering it over time. Additions like cornstarch can help the process along, but these thickeners don't impart much flavor and can affect texture if not added properly. For an add-in that both thickens and enhances flavor, turn to a versatile, dairy-forward ingredient: sour cream.

Sour cream is a common add-in for thickening soups and sauces, but it can also be stirred into gravy for a touch of tang and a smooth, creamy finish. When adding it to your gravy, add a dollop and whisk it in as the gravy nears boiling, but lower the heat to a simmer afterward; this prevents the sour cream from curdling in the intense heat. The result is a deliciously velvety gravy with a touch of acidity for depth of flavor.

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Why Sour Cream Makes A Perfect Gravy Thickener

You Should Definitely Consider Adding Sour Cream To Your Gravy (2)

Sour cream comes from a mixture of cream and lactic acid culture — a form of bacteria that begins the fermentation process in various different types of foods, including buttermilk and yogurt. The fermentation process thickens the cream and adds that characteristic tart, acidic flavor to it. Unlike homemade sour cream, store-bought sour cream may also contain some additional thickeners to stabilize the product and allow for low-fat and non-fat varieties.


Between the natural creamy texture of the sour cream and the extra fat content (which also acts as a thickening agent), adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of this product will impart a smooth and rich texture to your gravy. The thicker the dairy product, the more texture it will provide: compare milk to cream to sour cream, and sour cream will get the job done most efficiently. The lactic acid in the product also imparts acidity, which can be a welcome flavor foil to the rich, heavy meat flavors that are often present in gravy.

What To Do If Your Sour Cream Gravy Curdles

You Should Definitely Consider Adding Sour Cream To Your Gravy (3)

Simmering your sour cream-infused gravy on low heat is the best way to ensure it won't curdle in the pan, but if you accidentally overshoot your temperature, there are still ways to save the day. Just like milk and cream curdling in tea, cold dairy can curdle instantly if it meets something too hot; the protein molecules in the sour cream clump together under these conditions and create unsightly lumps in your gravy. Heating the dairy slowly combats this, but if the damage has already been done, you don't have to pitch your hard work just yet.

One option: Pour your gravy through a mesh sieve. This will remove any larger clumps from the curdled sour cream; the other smaller clumps can be whisked out with a vigorous stir. Another way to fix a gravy with curdled sour cream lumps in it is to tryblitzing it with an immersion blender. This breaks up the larger clumps and gets everything nice and silky smooth.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.

You Should Definitely Consider Adding Sour Cream To Your Gravy (2024)


What does adding sour cream to gravy do? ›

For an add-in that both thickens and enhances flavor, turn to a versatile, dairy-forward ingredient: sour cream. Sour cream is a common add-in for thickening soups and sauces, but it can also be stirred into gravy for a touch of tang and a smooth, creamy finish.

What does sour cream mean in cooking? ›

sour cream. noun. : a thick cream soured by the addition of a special kind of bacterium and used especially in cooking.

What gives sour cream its sour taste? ›

Cultured sour cream is made by adding a culture of Streptococcus lactis to pasteurized light cream and incubating at 72˚F until the desired flavor and thickness is reached. The lactic acid produced by the culture coagulates the protein, thickening the cream and adding the characteristically sour flavor.

Does sour cream rise to the top? ›

The longer your sour cream sits in the fridge, the thicker it becomes. Cream-on-top sour cream will also separate in the chilled jar. Simply stir the thicker top portion down into the jar before you use it—or scoop off the top layer for a thick, cream dollop on a special dish.

What does adding sour cream do? ›

To baked goods, sour cream lends the richness of heavy cream and the acidity that all cultured dairy products have. That acidity breaks down the crumb in the flour content of baked goods, resulting in a fluffier, more tender cake, roll, or cookie.

What can I add to my gravy to make it better? ›

I only season my homemade gravy with salt and pepper, and it's delicious! If you want to add more spices, avoid anything with large pieces (such as dried rosemary) to keep gravy smooth. Thyme, onion powder, garlic powder, parsley, paprika, and oregano all taste great.

Can you add sour cream while cooking? ›

Surprising, to me anyway, was my discovery that sour cream has a fat content sufficiently lower than heavy cream, such that boiling it will cause problems. So my recommendation is to add it at the end of cooking your dish, on low heat, and just keep it on the flame long enough to heat it. That way you're totally safe.

Why is sour cream so good? ›

The lactic acid bacteria increases the thickness of the cream and adds its characteristic tangy flavor. You can use sour cream as an ingredient to add an acidic flavor to sweet and savory meals. There are different types of sour cream.

When not to use sour cream? ›

It should not be consumed if it develops an off smell, molds or becomes yellow or discolored.

How unhealthy is sour cream? ›

Sour cream is high in saturated fats, so limiting your intake and focusing on healthy options is best. If you only have 1 or 2 tablespoons of full-fat sour cream as an occasional garnish, it's probably not a big concern, though. Alternatively, you could switch to light, low-fat, or fat-free versions.

What is a good substitute for sour cream? ›

Yogurt is your best substitute for sour cream. Whether you're baking or making a dip or sauce, yogurt is a 1:1 sub. That means if your recipe calls for 1 cup of sour cream, you can replace it with 1 cup of yogurt. Full-fat Greek or natural yogurts work best, but low-fat or even nonfat can be used, too.

Is sour cream Mexican? ›

Sour cream is not a traditional Mexican ingredient. Traditional Mexican dishes are made with crema, a milder and thinner option than sour cream.

What are the black dots in sour cream? ›

The following are signs of spoilage caused by oxygen, humidity, bacteria, or poor-quality milk: Moldy black, green dots and swirls on the surface. Blue, pink or yellow bacterial blemishes.

Why is sour cream yellow? ›

Yellow or Discolored Sour Cream: If the cream is no longer white, that's a strong sign that it has significant growth of bacteria and fungi.

Does sour cream act as a thickener? ›

Sour cream is commonly used as a condiment on foods, or combined with other ingredients to form a dipping sauce. It can be added to soups and sauces to help thicken and make them creamy, or in baking to help increase the moisture level over and above using milk.

Why do people put sour cream in sauce? ›

Sour cream can enhance both the taste and texture of your pasta sauce. It works in a similar manner to when you add heavy cream to a pasta sauce, only it imparts a lovely tart flavor that is irresistible to the palate. Sour cream is a dairy product that has been fermented with lactic acid.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.