Date of Birth: October 3, 1990
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Birth City: Melegnano, Lombardy
Birth Country: Italy
Local Time: n/a
UTC Time: n/a
Sidereal Time: n/a
Lat: 45° 21’ 28” N.
Lon: 9° 19’ 25” E.
Alt: 88 m.
Sun Sign: Libra
Ascendant: Sagittarius
Michele Morrone is an Italian actor, model, singer, and fashion designer appearing in both Italian and Polish films. He gained international recognition after portraying the role of Massimo Torricelli in the 2020 erotic romantic drama 365 Days and its sequels, 365 Days: This Day and The Next 365 Days in 2022.
Michele Morrone was born on October 3, 1990, in Melegnano, Lombardy, Italy. His birth geographical coordinates are 45° 21’ 28” North latitude and 9° 19’ 25” East longitude, with an altitude of 88 meters above sea level. Michele Morrone is currently 33 years old.
Astrologically, Michele Morrone falls under the Sun sign of Libra, with Sagittarius as his Ascendant, Pisces as his Moon sign, and Sagittarius as his Black Moon Lilith sign.
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Planets represent different aspects of personality, life themes, and energies within a birth chart, influencing individual characteristics, motivations, and experiences.
Planets in Signs
Planets in a zodiac sign denote how the energies and qualities associated with those planets express themselves within the context of the themes and attributes of that particular zodiac sign.
Sun | 9° 59’ 13” | Libra |
Moon | 25° 51’ 27” | Pisces |
Mercury | 26° 6’ 58” | Virgo |
Venus | 2° 26’ 34” | Libra |
Mars | 12° 29’ 26” | Gemini |
Jupiter | 8° 41’ 42” | Leo |
Saturn | 18° 47’ 32” | Capricorn |
Uranus | 5° 45’ 5” | Capricorn |
Neptune | 11° 49’ 28” | Capricorn |
Pluto | 16° 15’ 41” | Scorpio |
Ceres | 17° 19’ 32” | Virgo |
Chiron | 26° 21’ 3” | Cancer |
Eros | 3° 32’ 6” | Leo |
Hygiea | 12° 55’ 26” | Pisces |
Juno | 25° 32’ 25” | Scorpio |
Pallas | 19° 52’ 28” | Leo |
Vesta | 1° 2’ 29” | Gemini |
Ascendant | 13° 1’ 24” | Sagittarius |
Black Moon Lilith | 7° 14’ 55” | Sagittarius |
Midheaven | 6° 46’ 11” | Libra |
North Node | 3° 52’ 31” | Aquarius |
South Node | 3° 52’ 31” | Leo |
Part of Fortune | 28° 53’ 38” | Taurus |
Vertex | 26° 20’ 28” | Cancer |
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Planets in Elements
Planets in elements denote how the fundamental energies and qualities associated with those planets interact with the elemental nature of the signs they inhabit, shaping an individual’s overall temperament and approach to life.
Earth | |
Air | |
Water | |
Fire |
Planets in Qualities
Planets in qualities signify how the inherent attributes and tendencies of those planets align with the modalities of the signs they occupy, influencing an individual’s style of action, decision-making, and engagement with the world.
Cardinal | |
Mutable | |
Fixed |
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Planets in Houses
Planets in a zodiac house signify where in life’s areas and experiences the energies and influences of those planets are predominantly focused and expressed.
Sun | 3° 13’ 3” | Tenth House |
Moon | 25° 38’ 59” | Third House |
Mercury | 25° 54’ 30” | Ninth House |
Venus | 32° 14’ 5” | Ninth House |
Mars | 17° 31’ 59” | Sixth House |
Jupiter | 20° 15’ 36” | Eighth House |
Saturn | 0° 21’ 27” | Second House |
Uranus | 22° 43’ 41” | First House |
Neptune | 28° 48’ 4” | First House |
Pluto | 12° 15’ 2” | Eleventh House |
Ceres | 17° 7’ 4” | Ninth House |
Chiron | 7° 54’ 57” | Eighth House |
Eros | 15° 6’ 0” | Eighth House |
Hygiea | 12° 42’ 58” | Third House |
Juno | 0° 34’ 59” | Twelfth House |
Pallas | 31° 26’ 23” | Eighth House |
Vesta | 6° 5’ 3” | Sixth House |
Black Moon Lilith | 12° 17’ 29” | Twelfth House |
North Node | 15° 26’ 26” | Second House |
South Node | 15° 26’ 26” | Eighth House |
Part of Fortune | 3° 56’ 12” | Sixth House |
Vertex | 7° 54’ 23” | Eighth House |
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Aspects reveal the dynamic relationships and interactions between planets within a birth chart, influencing the way their energies combine and manifest in an individual’s life experiences and personality traits.
Within this birth chart, there are 19 major aspects, alongside 18 minor aspects, as well as 7 extra aspects.
Major Aspects
Major aspects highlight significant connections between planets, providing insights into key dynamics, challenges, and potentials shaping an individual’s life journey and psychological makeup.
Moon | Opposite | Mercury | 0° |
Sun | Sextile | Jupiter | 1° |
Mars | Quincunx | Neptune | 1° |
Sun | Square | Neptune | 2° |
Sun | Trine | Mars | 3° |
Venus | Square | Uranus | 3° |
Jupiter | Quincunx | Uranus | 3° |
Jupiter | Quincunx | Neptune | 3° |
Saturn | Sextile | Pluto | 3° |
Sun | Square | Uranus | 4° |
Mars | Sextile | Jupiter | 4° |
Mars | Quincunx | Pluto | 4° |
Neptune | Sextile | Pluto | 4° |
Mercury | Conjunct | Venus | 6° |
Uranus | Conjunct | Neptune | 6° |
Moon | Opposite | Venus | 7° |
Mercury | Trine | Saturn | 7° |
Saturn | Conjunct | Neptune | 7° |
Sun | Conjunct | Venus | 8° |
Explore detailed articles on the major aspects in this birth chart, gaining deeper insights into this cosmic identity. Dive into each aspect and uncover how it shapes Michele Morrone’s life journey.
Moon Opposite Mercuryorb: 0°Someone with the Moon opposite Mercury in their Natal Chart might feel like they are in a constant tug-of-war between their heart and mind. A […] Read more » Sun Sextile Jupiterorb: 1°The Sun sextile Jupiter in the Natal Chart makes you idealistic and expansive. You are outgoing and love meeting new people and can be thoughtful […] Read more » Mars Quincunx Neptuneorb: 1°Mars quincunx Neptune in a chart can create an overinflated sense of self. An inability to set realistic goals and follow reasonable boundaries causes someone […] Read more » Sun Square Neptuneorb: 2°The Sun square Neptune in the Natal Chart makes you dreamy and mystical. Yet you aren’t open to expressing your unique traits because you are […] Read more » Sun Trine Marsorb: 3°The Sun trine Mars in the Natal Chart makes you ambitious and strong-willed. You are caring and affectionate. You show warmth and generosity. You can […] Read more » Jupiter Quincunx Uranusorb: 3°Jupiter quincunx Uranus in a chart has the potential to create joy, luck, and optimism. However, it also creates impulsivity, an inability to plan, and […] Read more » Jupiter Quincunx Neptuneorb: 3°Jupiter quincunx Neptune in a chart typically indicates that a person has a vibrant, lively personality. They are optimistic and tend to dream big. They […] Read more » Sun Square Uranusorb: 4°The Sun square Uranus in the Natal Chart makes you resistant to changes. But when you navigate unexpected changes, you find freedom and empowerment. You […] Read more » Mars Sextile Jupiterorb: 4°Mars sextile Jupiter in a chart typically indicates that a person is outgoing, bold, and enthusiastic about life. They likely have a lot of energy […] Read more » Mars Quincunx Plutoorb: 4°Mars quincunx Pluto in a Natal Chart typically indicates a person has a lot of ambition and a desire to be successful. They want to […] Read more » Mercury Conjunct Venusorb: 6°Mercury conjunct Venus in the Natal Chart makes you sensitive to words and ideas. You are diplomatic and think of ways to make others feel […] Read more » Uranus Conjunct Neptuneorb: 6°Uranus conjunct Neptune in a chart typically indicates that a person has a connection to spirituality, but that connection is unconventional and not what you’d […] Read more » Moon Opposite Venusorb: 7°What does the Moon-Venus opposition mean? In a Natal Chart, this could show that someone has issues with attachment and expression in their relationships, specifically […] Read more » Mercury Trine Saturnorb: 7°Mercury trine Saturn in a chart typically indicates that a person is reliable, expressive, and diligent. They are ambitious, and they’re able to easily communicate […] Read more » Saturn Conjunct Neptuneorb: 7°Saturn conjunct Neptune in a chart can create the potential for both stability and instability. Someone with this aspect in their chart may lean more […] Read more » Sun Conjunct Venusorb: 8°When the Sun is conjunct Venus in your Natal Chart, you are exceptionally romantic. Others see you as beautiful, and you have a gift for […] Read more »Get your personalized birth chart with our FREE birth chart calculator!Get Started
Minor Aspects
Minor aspects represent subtler connections between planets, offering additional nuances and layers of interpretation to understand more detailed influences on an individual’s personality and experiences.
Moon | Trine | Chiron | 0° |
Moon | Trine | Juno | 0° |
Moon | Trine | Vertex | 0° |
Mercury | Sextile | Chiron | 0° |
Mercury | Sextile | Vertex | 0° |
Mars | Square | Hygiea | 0° |
Mercury | Sextile | Juno | 1° |
Venus | Sextile | Eros | 1° |
Venus | Trine | Vesta | 1° |
Venus | Trine | North Node | 1° |
Venus | Sextile | South Node | 1° |
Mars | Opposite | Ascendant | 1° |
Jupiter | Trine | Black Moon Lilith | 1° |
Saturn | Trine | Ceres | 1° |
Saturn | Quincunx | Pallas | 1° |
Uranus | Square | Midheaven | 1° |
Neptune | Sextile | Hygiea | 1° |
Pluto | Sextile | Ceres | 1° |
Discover additional layers of meaning with this collection of articles on the minor aspects found in Michele Morrone’s birth chart. Delve deeper into these cosmic nuances to gain a richer understanding of this astrological profile.
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Extra Aspects
Extra aspects, though less emphasized than major or minor aspects, contribute subtle nuances and intricacies to the overall astrological interpretation, offering additional insights into an individual’s personality traits and life experiences.
Chiron | Conjunct | Vertex | 0° |
Eros | Opposite | North Node | 0° |
Eros | Conjunct | South Node | 0° |
Hygiea | Square | Ascendant | 0° |
Black Moon Lilith | Sextile | Midheaven | 0° |
Chiron | Trine | Juno | 1° |
Juno | Trine | Vertex | 1° |
Explore how these extra aspects contribute to the intricate tapestry of Michele Morrone’s life path through subtler influences. Dive into each extra aspect and uncover the hidden gems that shape a unique cosmic identity.
Chiron Conjunct Vertexorb: 0°Chiron conjunct the Vertex in a chart creates the potential for healing due to the fated encounters someone has throughout their life. They might be […] Read more » Eros Conjunct South Nodeorb: 0°Eros conjunct the South Node in a chart can indicate someone has unresolved issues related to their inner desires, ability to build intimacy, or expressing […] Read more » Black Moon Lilith Sextile Midheavenorb: 0°The Black Moon Lilith sextile the Ascendant in the Natal Chart indicates you are true to your instincts. You are creative and have a passionate […] Read more »Get your personalized birth chart with our FREE birth chart calculator!Get Started
A house starting in a zodiac sign indicates the area of life where the qualities and themes of that sign are particularly emphasized and influential within an individual’s birth chart.
First House | 13° 1’ 24” | Sagittarius |
Second House | 18° 26’ 5” | Capricorn |
Third House | 0° 12’ 28” | Pisces |
Fourth House | 6° 46’ 11” | Aries |
Fifth House | 4° 0’ 39” | Taurus |
Sixth House | 24° 57’ 26” | Taurus |
Seventh House | 13° 1’ 24” | Gemini |
Eighth House | 18° 26’ 5” | Cancer |
Ninth House | 0° 12’ 28” | Virgo |
Tenth House | 6° 46’ 11” | Libra |
Eleventh House | 4° 0’ 39” | Scorpio |
Twelfth House | 24° 57’ 26” | Scorpio |